High Availability WooCommerce from scratch with zero DevOps and just in five minutes

Chapter 3. Let's stress it once again! Actually, Horizontal Autoscaling is good!


For the sake of your convenience, I have divided my article into three chapters:

  • Chapter 1. "Let's Get It Installed in a Snap". Here I will tell you how to prepare a High Availability infrastructure and how to set up WooCommerce on it. Spoiler: it's really easy if you use proper tools.
  • Chapter 2. "Let's stress it! Is Horizontal Autoscaling good?" Here I will talk about the stress test I ran and the way I adjusted the infrastructure to survive the load. Also, here you can find real costs of a WooCommerce website.
  • Chapter 3. "Let's stress it once again! Actually, Horizontal Autoscaling is good!" You're here.